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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Mac Death

Well some of you know that my iMac had it's last power down on Sunday. This is a sad thing for me as it was my first Mac and it lasted me a good 6 years. Unfortunately I will be going to a pc for my next computer as I dont have the funds for another mac as of right now nor did I use mine to its full potential anyways. But it died such a sudden death that now I have a friend breaking into the machine, taking out the hard drive, and rigging it so I can transfer everything to an external hard drive as I did not have the chance to do it beforehand. On that note - up yours irony! I was literally thinking on Saturday night as I powered down that I should look on cyber Monday for any good deals on external hard drives so I could back everything up because it was such an old computer. But being as I did not have a computer I couldnt look for one. I am now using my husbands tablet as my internet saviour and I do not want to save anything to it as it is technically not mine. And he does use it for work sometimes.

Anywhoo, I am hopefully getting everything done for it on Sunday so we'll see how that goes. I won't be getting a new computer for a while either so it will be tablet access for me. That means no posting photos, no new music, no saving anything from the webs (unless I just email it to myself), or anything of the like. Reminds me of back in jr high when I didnt have the internet and had to use my friends computers or the school library ones *shudder*.  It makes me really sad cause I just put through a few cyber monday orders for some new make-up and I really wanted to swatch them for here. I'll just have to take all the photos and wait to bombard the blog with multiple posts literally days after each other when I do manage to get a new computer. I will keep everyone posted on the progress of such things though. As well as my studio practice and stuff like I should be anyways.

On that note, guess who's completely done everything for christmas? Thats right, this panda is. I finished putting the last little piped detail on the last gift this afternoon. I now have all my sewn gifts complete, and other gifts bought. I'm only waiting on the postal service for two of them now as well and I should be getting them in the next week. I am really excited as this is the first year in EVAR that I am done everything before the week of Christmas. Yes I am a massive procrastinator and in my many years of being one I have honed it to such an art that I now work so much better under pressure. But that being said I really wanted one year to beat my mom at getting everything done early. So, HA!

Thursday 24 November 2011

LIT Cosmetics

The first review: LIT Cosmetics

Any and every fun loving make-up hoarding person needs some glitter so why not make it the best damned glitter around? LIT Cosmetics is just that - the BEST glitter system. With their range of sizes, colors, styles, and patented cosmetic glue you literally can't go wrong, and with a company motto of "No glitter, no glory" you know they know what they're doing.

I've been using LIT for many years and for many purposes. I was first introduced to it by a friend of mine and fell in love immediately, but still being new to it I only purchased two basic colors - Siberian (a lovely charcoal with rainbow bits), and Marilyn Monroe (startling silver). Now, since then they have changed their packaging to something a bit more pretty but honestly, the product stands for itself so if they decided packaging is for suckers and put everything in ziploc bags I would still buy and use it. I first used LIT for performances and photo shoots with wonderful results, so I started playing with it and now I wear it on average once a week. I've grown a nice mini collection of the colors but I'm nowhere near having even one of each basic shade (red, blue, green, yellow, purple, orange, pink, etc) let alone each of the different mixes.

(click the picture to make it bigger)

My current collection ^_^
All packaging is the old style aside from the three square ones.
(With flash)
From left to right:
Siberian, Marilyn Monroe, Gal Friday, Kiss, Milk Chocolate, Mary Jane,
Hawaii 50, Yoda, Army Brat, Beach Baby, Elton John, Pink Flamingo

(without flash)
You can apply it by dipping your brush into the glue, letting it get tacky, dipping it in the glitter, then applying it however sheer or thick you want. These photos are done pretty thick, as I usually wear it as liner (and to show off the awesome colors). There are also a few brushes the company sells to use but I just use an eyeliner brush for mine. Alternatively you could just use a dry brush or your fingertip and rub the glitter on, making a light fairy dust like effect. It can be worn really anywhere on the body so it is really multipurpose.

I love love love this stuff and if you love glitter you'll get some of your own. Orders can be made online through their website where they also have sections on the history of the company, top ten colors, how to apply, other uses, etc. So go get some glitter and have fun!

I'm rocking Hawaii 50 today as a sheer overlay on top of
white/silver shadow

Thursday 17 November 2011

Hello everyone, well I think I will be using some of my posts as a spot to review things. Make-up, music, movies, fabric; really anything that strikes my fancy and I feel needs to be yapped about. For those of you who don't know me well here's a bit of an intro for ya. I have tastes that lie in every element of a particular category. Ie. make-up - I love everything from basic nudes to crazy art colors like blue lips and full stage make-up; music - I love everything from classical opera all the way to foreign heavy metal; movies - I'm a fan of rom coms but I also love horror, psychological thrillers, action, drama, musicals, etc. So you can see from here (and you will see more as I post more) just how varied my tastes are. I also have no shame so when I post about make-up in particular and say that I love wearing a certain thing out and it's not exactly in the regular "fashion trend" for make-up please remember that those products are not for everyone.

My awesome Artemis hat - yes I wear it everywhere when it's cold ^_^
For example, see my Artemis hat - most people my age would never be seen in public with it but I love it to pieces and have no qualms with showing it off.

Now, all that being said, I would love some feedback as to what brand to review first.
MAC, Lime Crime, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, LIT, Sephora, Make-Up Forever, Cover Girl, Maybelline, Annabelle, Rimmel, Boots, or Too Faced?

Thursday 10 November 2011

The Blog Liveth

Well  here's my first foray into true blogging. I'm not entire sure what I'll be blogging about or how often it will be done but I do know that it will be interesting - if only to me. I've figured out how to install a template (yay me) so now what you're seeing is pretty instead of boring black/white. Not that I'm hating on black/white, I quite like that, but I prefer dull antique-y colors and fun pictures. 

Getting a Feel

Just getting a feel for this - trying to figure out how to download a template. :)
