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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Mac Death

Well some of you know that my iMac had it's last power down on Sunday. This is a sad thing for me as it was my first Mac and it lasted me a good 6 years. Unfortunately I will be going to a pc for my next computer as I dont have the funds for another mac as of right now nor did I use mine to its full potential anyways. But it died such a sudden death that now I have a friend breaking into the machine, taking out the hard drive, and rigging it so I can transfer everything to an external hard drive as I did not have the chance to do it beforehand. On that note - up yours irony! I was literally thinking on Saturday night as I powered down that I should look on cyber Monday for any good deals on external hard drives so I could back everything up because it was such an old computer. But being as I did not have a computer I couldnt look for one. I am now using my husbands tablet as my internet saviour and I do not want to save anything to it as it is technically not mine. And he does use it for work sometimes.

Anywhoo, I am hopefully getting everything done for it on Sunday so we'll see how that goes. I won't be getting a new computer for a while either so it will be tablet access for me. That means no posting photos, no new music, no saving anything from the webs (unless I just email it to myself), or anything of the like. Reminds me of back in jr high when I didnt have the internet and had to use my friends computers or the school library ones *shudder*.  It makes me really sad cause I just put through a few cyber monday orders for some new make-up and I really wanted to swatch them for here. I'll just have to take all the photos and wait to bombard the blog with multiple posts literally days after each other when I do manage to get a new computer. I will keep everyone posted on the progress of such things though. As well as my studio practice and stuff like I should be anyways.

On that note, guess who's completely done everything for christmas? Thats right, this panda is. I finished putting the last little piped detail on the last gift this afternoon. I now have all my sewn gifts complete, and other gifts bought. I'm only waiting on the postal service for two of them now as well and I should be getting them in the next week. I am really excited as this is the first year in EVAR that I am done everything before the week of Christmas. Yes I am a massive procrastinator and in my many years of being one I have honed it to such an art that I now work so much better under pressure. But that being said I really wanted one year to beat my mom at getting everything done early. So, HA!


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